In 2012 South African hip hop artist JR comissioned me to take some promo photographs for his new album, Kool Forever. We were interested in how 'covers' are regularly done in music but not in photography. JR sent me some of his favourite photographs to reinact. I was surprised to find that the majority of them were press shots. We decided on a couple and I flew up to Johannesburg to meet JR and make it all happen. Little did I know that he had organised to have an entire road in Johannesburg blocked off for us by the South African Police Service. Afterwards we also shot some studio images for the album cover and whatever other promo might require it.   
Some of the more sensitive press reinactments could be seen as bordering on tasteless but after we looked at them they seemed almost appropriate in the setting of the infamous Jozi. 
Thanks to Hanro Havenga for helping me out on the day. Check out his amazing work here:
Jr Bogopa Promo